9 juillet 2019

The trick to relieve a wasp sting

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Against wasp stings, you have to act fast.

When a wasp stings, it leaves its sting filled with venom in the skin, which causes a sharp pain. The first thing to do is to gently remove the sting and disinfect the wound. To relieve the pain, it is necessary to approach the zone of a source of heat: wasp venom is thermolabile: the heat destroys the venom quickly.

Monitor the wound is important

To relieve the injury, one can apply diluted lavender essential oil. If you are not afraid of the smell, pure vinegar is also effective. You can gently rub an onion or garlic on the sting to relieve the pain. The essential oil of tea tree is also interesting. Think about homeopathy, you can use apis mellifica 9 CH. Finally, papaya slices are natural dressings against stings. In any case, always watch carefully for wasp stings.

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