8 juillet 2019


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "le foie humain"

The liver is a vital organ for the proper functioning of the body. It performs several functions, including digestive functions and blood filter functions. In case of excessive consumption of alcohol, the liver can become engorged. Fortunately, a cure of black radish juice can be the solution.

The effects of alcohol on the liver

Among the roles of the liver, there is that of filtering toxins from the body. Thus, the vast majority of alcohol consumed (90%) will pass into the bloodstream. It is then filtered by the liver. But the metabolism of alcohol, and more precisely the transformation of ethanol contained in alcohol, generates toxins that attack the liver cells. If excessive alcohol consumption is punctual, the liver can regenerate. But in case of continued consumption, hepatic diseases are to be feared (liver cancer, cirrhosis ...).

A black radish cure to cleanse the liver of excess alcohol

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "black radish"

In case of excessive consumption of alcohol, the liver can be engorged, failing to filter quickly enough toxins brought by alcohol. To help liver cells, there is a natural solution: black radish juice. Indeed, this root with white flesh covered with brown skin will stimulate both the production of bile and the evacuation of bile draining toxins to the intestine. It is therefore very effective in detoxifying the liver. It is recommended to make a cure of black radish juice, which exists in the form of ampoules, at the rate of two ampoules a day for 20 days.

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