The kidneys act as a filter of the body. To ensure their proper functioning, it is important to regularly carry out a detox cure of the kidneys. This includes drinking a parsley infusion. But this method of cleaning the kidneys is not suitable for everyone, parsley is not safe.
Parsley to clean the kidneys: a soft medicine
The toxic waste transported by the blood is retained by the kidneys and then eliminated by the urine. However, it happens that after the accumulation of toxins in the body, the kidneys are congested and need a detox cure. This is where the parsley, rich in vitamins and minerals, hypotensive, diuretic and antioxidant, in other words, a powerful ally for cleaning the kidneys. How to consume it? In infusion. To do this, brew 5 branches of parsley previously washed in a liter of water, add the juice of a lemon, boil and filter the mixture. Drink a glass of this infusion morning, noon, evening and at bedtime, twice a week.
The dangers of parsley for cleaning the kidneys
Parsley can not be used without precautions. Indeed, it presents a danger for pregnant women (risk of miscarriage), for lactating women (disrupted lactation), for people undergoing anticoagulant treatment (parsley vitamin K interacts with anticoagulant treatments), as well as for people who suffer from kidney failure. In all these cases, it is recommended to seek advice from your doctor before considering kidney cleansing with a parsley infusion.
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